Wednesday, December 21, 2011
காரைநகர் உதவி அரசாங்க அதிபர் பணிமனையின் புதிய கட்டிடத்திற்கான
காரைநகர் கலாச்சார மண்டப கட்டிடப்பணி ஆரம்பம்
கொட்டும் மழையிலும் வெள்ளத்தினூடாகவும் இயந்திரத்தின் மூலம் அத்திவாரம் வெட்டப்பட்டு கட்டிடப்பணிகள் ஆரம்பிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. அதற்கு முன்னதாக அப்பிரதேசத்தினை காரைநகர் உதவி அரசாங்க அதிபரும் உத்தியோகஸ்தர்களும் பார்வையிடுவதனையும் கட்டிட ஒப்பந்த காரர்களிடம் கட்டிடம் தொடர்பாக விளக்கமளிப்பதனையும் படங்களில் காணலாம்
Thursday, December 15, 2011
வலந்தலை பஸ் தரிப்பிடம் கட்டீட பணி படங்கள்
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
காரைநகர் பிரதேச தனியார் கல்வி நிலைய நேரசூசிகள்
காரைதீவின் பழம்பெரும் முன்னணிக்கல்வியகங்களான பாரதி கல்வியகம் மற்றும் பிளஸ் கல்வியகம் என்பன இணைந்து வெளியிட்டுள்ள தரம் -3 முதல் தரம் -11 வரையிலான நேரசூசிகள் வருமாறு.
இவ்விரு கல்வியகங்களிலும் எதிர்வரும் 2011.12.10 முதல் ஆரம்பமாகும்.
மேலும் பிளஸ் கல்வியக வளாகத்தில் அமைந்துள்ள புதிய கட்டிடத்தில் மொண்டிசோறி வகுப்புக்களுக்கான விண்ணப்பங்கள் பிளஸ் கல்வியகத்திலும் கிடஸ் கணணிக்கல்வியகத்திலும் பெற்றுக்கொள்ளலாம்.
இதே வெளையில் காரைதீவு பிரதான முச்சந்திக்கு அண்மையில் அமைந்துள்ள பாரதி கல்வியக உயர்தர வளாகத்தில் உயாதர வகுப்புக்கள் நடைபெற்றுக்கொண்டிருப்பதும் குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.
இவ்விரு கல்வியகங்களிலும் எதிர்வரும் 2011.12.10 முதல் ஆரம்பமாகும்.
மேலும் பிளஸ் கல்வியக வளாகத்தில் அமைந்துள்ள புதிய கட்டிடத்தில் மொண்டிசோறி வகுப்புக்களுக்கான விண்ணப்பங்கள் பிளஸ் கல்வியகத்திலும் கிடஸ் கணணிக்கல்வியகத்திலும் பெற்றுக்கொள்ளலாம்.
இதே வெளையில் காரைதீவு பிரதான முச்சந்திக்கு அண்மையில் அமைந்துள்ள பாரதி கல்வியக உயர்தர வளாகத்தில் உயாதர வகுப்புக்கள் நடைபெற்றுக்கொண்டிருப்பதும் குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.
Primary Section
KSC vs VSC( Semi final Result)
KSC எதிர் VSC Junior அணிகளுக்கிடையில் Miyandad Junior Trophy - 2011 காக காரைதீவூ கனகரட்ணம் மைதானத்தில் நேற்று 10/12/2011விறுவிறுப்பாக நடைபெற்ற அரையிறுதிப் போட்டியில் KSC அணியினர் வெற்றி பெற்று இறுதிப்போட்டிக்கு தகுதிபெற்றனர்.போட்டியில் முதலில் துடுப்பெடுத்தாடிய VSC அணியினர் 127ஓட்டங்களை வெற்றி இலக்காக நிர்ணயித்தனர்.127 என்ற இலக்கை நோக்கி பதிலெடுத்தாட ஆரம்பித்த KSC அணியினர் ஆரம்ப துடுப்பாட்ட வீரர் லோகதாஸ் அவர்களின்அதிரடியான ஆட்டத்தின் காரணமாக 7விகெட்டுக்களால் வெற்றியீட்டினர்.லோகதாஸ் 67 ஓட்டங்களை அதிரடியாக பெற்றார் என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.
Karainagar striding towards Prosperity with newly dawned Peace
Karainagar, an islet in the Jaffna peninsula in Northern Sri Lanka, is today lively with human activity. It is all set to reap the benefits of prosperity brought about with the newly-dawned peace after the liberation of the Northern Province from the LTTE terrorist clutches. The islanders, whose livelihoods mainly dependent on thriving fishing industry, are jubilant at the better freedom they knowledge with the lifting of fishing limits which had remained imposed to curb LTTE fear performance that caused huge suffering to the nonviolent nation for nearly three decades.
Today, the residents of Karainagar are experiencing a greater sense of safety since the Sri Lanka Navy has taken all measures to ensure the protection of their lives and to facilitate their livelihoods. Through the completion of many people-friendly group of people projects, the Navy has been able to win the hearts and minds of the people. One such event, the Buddhist fair of Poson, which celebrates the arrival of Arahath Mahinda and subsequent spread of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, was held on the island last June under the auspices of the Navy, sketch large crowds belonging to diverse religious faiths. The event helped strengthen the mutual bonds promoting peaceful coexistence among all ethnic groups living on the island. The consequent cultural interaction, which was made likely with the mediation of the Naval personnel emotionally involved to the Karainagar Naval base, created a pleasant atmosphere for the people to enjoy their newly-gained freedom.
The Karainagar fishing community is grateful to the Government and the Navy for the lifting of the fishing restrictions. The measure aimed at reviving fishing developed was implemented beneath the direction of His Excellency the President. The visit of Senior Presidential Advisor Hon MP Basil Rajapaksa, under whose direct supervision and guidance the lifting of fishing restrictions is being facilitated, has spurred the people's admiration. The regular monthly meetings conducted by the Navy with the contribution of the Karainagar fishing community have been very much appreciated by the people since the face-to-face sessions have helped solve many issues directly related to their immediate happiness. Fishing permits are now delivered to their doorsteps minimizing the hassles involved in obtaining them. Priority for security permission at Naval checkpoints is accorded to the persons transporting fish catches thus expediting the reach of fresh fish in the markets in time.
With the rising levels of income resulted by the Navy's facilitation, the life standards of the people of Karainagar have been improved. Under the Navy's assistance the communications developments on the island have been expedited with better roads for speedy transportation. President Mr. K. Iraj Sandiram and Secretary Mr. M. Ganesh of the Karainagar Division Fishermen's Cooperative Society, sending a letter of appreciation on behalf of its members, have thankfully acknowledged the contributions of the Government and the Sri Lanka Navy in uniting the people and helping the development behavior on the island. They express their heart-felt approval at the physically powerful bond that exists between the Navy and the citizens of Karainagar and thank the Navy for its genuine efforts at improving the group of people relations and living circumstances on the island.
Today, the residents of Karainagar are experiencing a greater sense of safety since the Sri Lanka Navy has taken all measures to ensure the protection of their lives and to facilitate their livelihoods. Through the completion of many people-friendly group of people projects, the Navy has been able to win the hearts and minds of the people. One such event, the Buddhist fair of Poson, which celebrates the arrival of Arahath Mahinda and subsequent spread of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, was held on the island last June under the auspices of the Navy, sketch large crowds belonging to diverse religious faiths. The event helped strengthen the mutual bonds promoting peaceful coexistence among all ethnic groups living on the island. The consequent cultural interaction, which was made likely with the mediation of the Naval personnel emotionally involved to the Karainagar Naval base, created a pleasant atmosphere for the people to enjoy their newly-gained freedom.
The Karainagar fishing community is grateful to the Government and the Navy for the lifting of the fishing restrictions. The measure aimed at reviving fishing developed was implemented beneath the direction of His Excellency the President. The visit of Senior Presidential Advisor Hon MP Basil Rajapaksa, under whose direct supervision and guidance the lifting of fishing restrictions is being facilitated, has spurred the people's admiration. The regular monthly meetings conducted by the Navy with the contribution of the Karainagar fishing community have been very much appreciated by the people since the face-to-face sessions have helped solve many issues directly related to their immediate happiness. Fishing permits are now delivered to their doorsteps minimizing the hassles involved in obtaining them. Priority for security permission at Naval checkpoints is accorded to the persons transporting fish catches thus expediting the reach of fresh fish in the markets in time.
With the rising levels of income resulted by the Navy's facilitation, the life standards of the people of Karainagar have been improved. Under the Navy's assistance the communications developments on the island have been expedited with better roads for speedy transportation. President Mr. K. Iraj Sandiram and Secretary Mr. M. Ganesh of the Karainagar Division Fishermen's Cooperative Society, sending a letter of appreciation on behalf of its members, have thankfully acknowledged the contributions of the Government and the Sri Lanka Navy in uniting the people and helping the development behavior on the island. They express their heart-felt approval at the physically powerful bond that exists between the Navy and the citizens of Karainagar and thank the Navy for its genuine efforts at improving the group of people relations and living circumstances on the island.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
காரைநகர் கோயில் படங்கள்
Mz;bNfzp IaDf;F mNuhfuh!
காரைநகர் வைத்தியசாலை சமையல் அறை புனருத்தாரணம்
பிருத்தானிய காரை நலன்புரிச்சங்கம் மேற்படி வைத்தியசாலையில் நீண்டகாலமாக பராமரிப்புக்கு உட்படுத்தப்படாமல் இருந்த சமையல் அறையையை, சுகாதார நோக்கம் கருதி ஓரளவு பாவனைக்கு ஏற்ற வகையில் திருத்தம் செய்து கொடுக்கபட்டுள்ளது. அரசாங்க உதவி நிவாரனங்களால் ஈடு கொடுத்து நிவர்த்தி செய்ய முடியாத சில வேலைத்திட்டங்களில் இதுவும் ஒன்று. ஆகையால் இதனை நாம் நேரடியாக பார்வையிட்டபோது அதனது திருத்த வேலை எங்களால் உணர்ந்து கொள்ள கூடியதாக இருந்தது. இந்த சமையல் அறையில் இருந்துதான் நோயாளிகளுக்கான மதியபோசனம் தினமும் தயார் செய்யப்படுகின்றது என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது. ஆகவே இதனது அத்தியாவசியத்தை புரிந்து கொண்ட நாம் இதை பொறுப்பேற்று நிறைவேற்றி உள்ளோம்.
திருத்த வேலைகள் கீழ்வருமாறு;
சமையல் அறை நிலம் கொத்தி புதிதாக அமைத்தது (Floor resurfacing)
புகைக்கூடு உட்பட சுவர்கள் சுரண்டி புதிய பூச்சு பூசியது (Chimney cleaning and painting)
புதிதாக சீலிங் அமைத்தது(New ceiling), புதிதாக பாத்திரங்கள் வைத்து பாது காப்பதற்கான அலுமாரி (Kitchen cupboard)
யன்னல் திருத்தி நெட் அடித்து கொடுத்தது (Window repair and installed net).
இவற்றிற்க்கான செலவு அண்ணளவாக £400. இவ் வேலைகள் அனைத்தும் எங்கள் நிர்வாகசபை உறுப்பினர்களின் மேற்பார்வையில் கடந்த மாதம் பூர்த்தி செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது
Friday, December 9, 2011
Geographical Location
Karainagar is an island which is located 15km from Jaffna, Sri Lanka. It is surrounded by Indian Ocean and Jaffna Lagoon. The area of Karainagar is approximately 22Sq Km with 10Km from North to South and 2.2Km from East to West.
According to oral history the name Karainagar was a derivative from Karai chedigal (plants) found there or because Karainagarans are descendents of settlers from Karaikkudi. Kaarai is also the name of a kind of fish. It is only a conjecture to associate the place name with migrations from places of similar names on the opposite coast of Tamil Nadu, such as Kaaraikkudi or Kaaraikkaal. All these names might have originated independently from the natural vegetation. The validity of these propositions has so far not been tested.
Kaarai chedigal can still be found widely in the island along hedges and in thickets. Elders in the island still remember the ritualistic significance of the shrub. Twigs of Kaarai leaves are presented to the Brahmin priest who officiates ancestral rites during anniversaries. Kaarai, Musuddai (Iponoea candicans) and Pira’ndai (Vivitis quardrangularia) are part of the offerings on those occasions.
Elders in Kaarainakar also remember making Champal from the leaves (a side dish made by grinding the leaves along with scraped coconut, onions and chillies).
There is also an early Buddhist site, known today as Vearap-piddi (the stupa mound), on the western side of the island. The Kings of Jaffna maintained an establishment in this island, near the harbour, which is called Raasaavin Thoaddam.
The Dutch renamed the island as New Amsterdam during their rule. They also built a small fort called Hammanhiel, off the Southwest corner of the island to guard the sea routes. The continuity of the strategic recognition can be seen in the location of the northern headquarters of the Sri Lanka Navy at this island.
Karainagar is part of Jaffna district of Northern Province and elevated as an Assistant Government Agent (AGA) division from 07th April 2003. It is divided into nine Grama Niladari (GN) divisions. AGA’s office is situated near Valanthalai junction.
Karainagar is belonging to Voddukoddai electorate in Jaffna electoral district.
Karainagar Local governance body known as Pradeshiya Sabha, which establish from 2005. The Pradeshiya Sabha consists of five members who are elected by the people of Karainagar.
Population of Karainagar is variously estimated at about 4,000 in 1900, 16,000 in 1950, 45,000 in 1990 and 9,000 in 2007.
According AGA’s office recent statistics there are 10,564 people residing in karainagar. Population is staidly growing since 2009. Many Karainagarans are now living outside since 1990.
Poonalai Causeway
A 4 km long causeway linking the island to the mainland was built during the period when Sir W Twynham was the Government Agent of Jaffna (1867 – 1884). An engraved stone plaque in the Sayambu Hall (founder of Karainagar Hindu College) gives the date of the bridge as 1869. The causeway ended the geographic isolation of Karainagar. Sir P Ramanathan after a visit to the island in 1922 had Karaitivu officially renamed Karainagar on 12.09.1922. The network of roads linking the settlements within Karainagar was built after that.
Vernon bund was purpose built to preserve the rain water instead of allowing it to run to the sea and that reduce the scarcity of water in the surrounding area.
Climate of Karainagar is fall into low country dry zone of Sri Lanka. Temperature is ranging from 230 to 300c. Rainfall is received between October to January. Rainfall is the main source to obtain water. Water received during rainy season is percolated into the soil and stored as underground water, which is used for agriculture and other purposes during dry seasons. To obtain drinking water is very much difficult. Water is cultivated from wells and ponds ( Kulam). Currently there are number of water bowsers distribute drinking water fetched from Chunnakam.
Agriculture and fisheries are the major sources of the income in the area. Approxomately 500Hec. Area was used for paddy cultivation in 2008.
Karainagar were once flourishing due to maritime trade, declined during late 1990’s and 2000.
Many Karainagarans are involved in business through out Sri Lanka and are many living in oversea. There is a well known phrases describing Karainagarans “Kaakam pa’rakkaatha idamillai; Kaaraitheevan poakaatha oorillai”(There is no place on earth where the crow and the Kaaraitheevu islander cannot be seen).
Many Karainagarans are involved in business through out Sri Lanka and are many living in oversea. There is a well known phrases describing Karainagarans “Kaakam pa’rakkaatha idamillai; Kaaraitheevan poakaatha oorillai”(There is no place on earth where the crow and the Kaaraitheevu islander cannot be seen).
Place of Interest
Casuarina Beach: Casuarina beach is considered as the best beach in the Jaffna peninsula. The beach is pretty different to a normal Sri Lanka beach In stead of coconut trees there casurina tree are growing along the beach.The colour of the sand is also a bit different and it was very soft making it a pleasant experience. The greatest thing about the casurina beach is the ability to walk towards the sea for miles. The shallowness of the beach combined with no waves makes it an ideal bathing place and it is also place of relax.
Temples: Temples are dotted in the Karainagar landscape and temple going was the main leisure activity for the people. There are 43 temples in Karainagar most dating back to the 19th century or earlier. The more popular deities were Pillaiyar, Murugan, Amman and Vairavar. The famous temple is Sivan temples known as Eelaththu Chidambaram.
Important Contact Details in Karainagar
No | Discription | Telephone Number |
1 | Assistant Government Agent | 0094 (0) 21 222 6090 |
2 | Administrative Office, AGA’S office | 0094 (0) 21 222 4369 |
3 | Pradeshiya Sabha (VC) | 0094 (0) 21 321 6447 |
4 | Divisional Hospital | 0094 (0) 21 321 6573 |
5 | Post Office | 0094 (0) 21 321 5251 |
6 | Bank of Ceylon | 0094 (0) 21 222 8278 |
7 | Samurthi Bank | 0094 (0) 21 321 3599 |
8 | MPCS | 0094 (0) 21 321 2860 |
9 | Fisheries Cooperative Society | 0094 (0) 21 321 4052 |
10 | J/ Yarlton College | 0094 (0) 21 222 5357 |
11 | J/Dr A Thiyagarajah MMV | 0094 (0) 21 222 5406 |
Community Centres
No | Name of community centre | Location |
1 | Maruthamalai Murugan | Makaruthapuram |
2 | Maruthadi Pillayar | Maruthadi |
3 | Sri Murugan | Kalvanthalnu |
4 | Ampal | Piddiyellai |
5 | Valarmathi | Kalai Koviladi Vilalan |
6 | Vetharadaippu | Vetharadaippu |
7 | Sri Sithampareswara | Sivagami Amman Kovil |
8 | Viyavil | Viyavil |
9 | Gangai Mathi | Vediyarasan Veethi |
10 | Sivagowri | Periyamanal |
11 | Sarva Shakthi | Ponnampalaveethi |
12 | Neelippanthanai | Valanthalai |
13 | Kalaivani | Sadaiyali |
14 | Vilanai | Vilanai |
15 | Thiyaki Perampalam | Piddiyellai |
16 | Sithamparamoorthi | Sithamparamoorthi Keniyadi |
Rural Development Societies
No | Name of RDS | Contact & Address |
1 | Thankodai RDS | |
2 | Maruthapuram RDS | |
3 | Kovalam RDS | |
4 | Thikkarai RDS | |
5 | Piddiyellai RDS | |
6 | Vilanai RDS | |
7 | Kallanthalvu RDS | |
8 | Uri RDS | |
9 | Viyavil RDS | |
10 | Vetharadaippu RDS | |
11 | Periyamanal RDS | |
12 | Vikkavil RDS | |
13 | Thoppukadu RDS | |
14 | Palavodai RDS | |
15 | Neelankadu RDS |
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